Illustrated CV part 1 / part 2 (exhibtions)

Single Exhibitions:

2023-24 DER ERSTE SATZ (The First Sentence), Literaturhaus Berlin

2019 ICH HAB NOCH EINEN TOTEN IN BERLIN (I left a dead One in Berlin), Literaturhaus Berlin

2010 DIE SEELE DES TANZES (The Soul of Dance), Solar Berlin

1994-2003 WELTRELIGIONEN IN BERLIN (World Religions in Berlin) travelling exhibition, started at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (House of World Cultures, HKW) and Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin

1991 EINE ARMEE ZIEHT AB (An Army moves out, about the withdrawal of the Soviet army), Statthaus Böcklerpark, Berlin

The Soul of Dance

2010 Exhibition at Solar Berlin

Each of the elegant movements of ballerina Tata Jashiashvili’s powerful body are captured with great precision in Horst Kloever’s wide-format images. The collaboration between the dancer, at home on stages such as the Berlin State Opera, and the photographer has produced sequences of images that allow the beauty of the movements to be studied at leisure. Horst Kloever’s Etudes are brought to life by the pure and timeless energy of classical ballet. Beneath the moving surface, the pictorial works display prominent features of photography that Walter Benjamin already noted: ‘Here the camera intervenes with its aids, its plunging and rising, its interrupting and isolating, its stretching and gathering of the sequence. We only learn about the optical unconscious through it, as we learn about the instinctual unconscious through psychoanalysis.’

Group Exhibitions:

2018 PORTRAITS – HELLERAU PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS, European Center for the Arts, Dresden


1992 ZWEITE WELTKONFERENZ DER STRAHLENOPFER, exhibition at House of World Cultures (HKW), Berlin


2018 PORTRAITS – HELLERAU PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS (Honorable Mentioning), Dresden

2005 CANON PROFASHIONAL AWARD, (award), Forum für Photographie, Cologne

2004 EPSON DIGITAL PORTRAIT CONTEST (award and price money), Photokina, Cologne

1999 KODAK PIXEL AWARD (award), PPS Galerie, Hamburg

Curated exhibitions and events:

2021 Haus Gropius: Fiktional – a conversation with Kristof Magnusson and Jan Tichy, Horst Kløver moderates. An event organised by Literaturhaus Berlin (House of Literature) in cooperation with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.

From the programme: 
‘Haus Gropius: Fictional’ is a unique collaboration between the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and the Literaturhaus Berlin that brings artists and authors together in tandem residencies. Following Inge Mahn and Sujata Bhatt, the second duo consists of the photographer and video artist Jan Tichy and the Berlin author Kristof Magnusson. As early as the 1920s, artists from the international avant-garde lived and worked in the ensemble of the Masters’ Houses: house to house, door to door. Since 2016, contemporary artists have returned there; since 2020, writers have expanded the residency. Each tandem of artist and writer is invited to talk about their artistic work. Kristof Magnusson and Jan Tichy talk about this and their residency period with the author and photographer Horst Kløver.

2010 LABOR OST (LAB EAST), in collaboration with Walter Keller as part of the Swiss Photo Award, ewz-Unterwerk Selnau, Zurich, Switzerland

From the programme: 
Thursday, 13 May
A perspective on Eastern Europe – Report on a research project

A picture soirée with Horst Kloever, photographer, curator and author, BerlinHorst Kloever, co-organiser of the ‘Labor Ost’ presentation in the basement, reports on his impressions and assessments of undiscovered photographic positions from countries in Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe. Horst Kloever comes to Zurich with fresh impressions directly from the photography festival in Lodz/Poland. After the picture soirée there will be an opportunity for questions and a discussion.

Aus dem Programm: 
Donnerstag, 13. Mai
Der Blick nach Osteuropa – Bericht über eine Recherche

Eine Bildersoirée mit Horst Kloever, Fotograf, Kurator und Autor, BerlinHorst Kloever, Mitorganisator der Präsentation «Labor Ost:» im Untergeschoss, berichtet von seinen Eindrücken und Einschätzungen unentdeckter fotografischer Positionen aus Ländern in Ost-, Mittel- und Südosteuropa. Horst Kloever kommt mit frischen Impressionen direkt vom Fotografiefestival in Lodz/Polen nach Zürich. Nach der Bildersoirée besteht die Möglichkeit für Fragen und eine Diskussion.

2009 POZNAŃ PHOTO DIPLOMA AWARD, jury and curatorial team member, Poznań, Poland

2008 A STEP BEYOND (EGY LÉPÉSSEL TOVÁBB), Young Hungarian Photography (FFS) & Hungarian House of Photography (Mai Mano), Month of Photography 2008, VAM Design Center, Budapest, Hungary

2007 SITTCOMM AWARD (Contemporary Photography & Books award based in Slovakia) Berlin exhibition in collaboration with ZAK Gallery, Berlin

2007 BERLIN – MINSK – MOSCOW, Alexandra Catiere & Maria Kracikova, Photeur Gallery, Berlin

2006-7 WOLF’S HONEY, Vojtech V. Slama, Photeur Gallery, Berlin

2006 HEAVEN AND HELL, Contemporary Romanian Photography: Mirela Bratu & Cosmin Bumbut, Solar Berlin

Photography Now exhibition listings
2005-2008 Photeur Gallery, Anklamer Strasse, Berlin